Looking for a First-Class Business Consultant?

Why our consulting
We are a full service business development group – we build strategies and systems.
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Global consumer insights
Rapid and sustainable solutions to the most complex business challenges with cooperative process-driven.
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Thought Leadership
A solution is proposed, from here you can action the plan with just outline assistance.
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Travel and Aviation
Study popular tourism destinations and improve your sales skills to successfully advise your clients on the best travel options.
Business Services
We consider all the drivers of change - from the ground up and we'll motivate and support you to make the change.
Consumer Products
Design repeatable growth models and innovation pipelines that generate new products with higher potential and lower risks of failure.
Financial Services
We work buy-side and sell-side and give our clients hard-hitting and objective answers and focus hard on the best opportunities.
Energy and Environment
We work across all the major construction geographies and end sectors, meaning we understand the underlying drivers in construction markets.
Surface Transport &
Logistics Consulting
Scheduled transport operations, from broad market trends and strategy to the development of integrated commercial strategies.
Doing the right thing,
at the right time.

Amanda Seyfried
Consulting WP really helped us achieve our financial goals. The slick presentation along with fantastic readability ensures that our financial standing is stable.

Debbie Kübel-Sorger
The demands for financial institutions have changed a bit. Obfuscation is no longer accepted, which is why this Business WordPress Theme is so perfect.

Donald Simpson
Consulting WordPress Theme is the way to go for financial institutions. We take pride in being a transparent and perfection oriented organization, and Consulting WP perfectly represents us.

Christian Marcil
We thought a lot before choosing the Financial WordPress Theme because we wanted to sure our investment would yield results. This was clearly the best choice, it combines a fantastic design with great UI.

Cintia Le Corre
When you are in the financial industry you know the image you have to project to people. You have to be agile and authoritative; Consulting WP lets us show clients that we are slick yet also have substance.

Bianca Hammound
Prior to joining Consulting WP, Bianca ran a project management software firm in the U.S. and worked in consulting and investment banking.

before they talk to investors.
Calendário de Eventos 2025
A Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia – Regional Bahia (SBD-BA) reafirma seu compromisso em manter seus associados sempre atualizados e conectados com o que há de mais inovador no mundo da dermatologia. Com foco na excelência, aprendizado contínuo e troca de experiências, já preparamos nosso calendário de eventos para 2025! 💡 O que esperar? 📌 Nosso
8 de janeiro de 2025Read More -
Nova diretoria da SBD-BA biênio 2025/2026
A nova diretoria da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia tomou posse em janeiro de 2025. Conheça a nova direção: Dr. Maria Clara Dultra Gordiano dos SantosPresidente Dr. Cristiana Silveira SilvaVice-presidente Dr. Maria das Graças Pereira LetoSecretária Geral Dr. Ricardo da Silva LibórioTesoureiro
8 de janeiro de 2025Read More -
Fernanda Pinto Soares Andrade
Clínica SanttareRua Altino Serbeto de Barros, 241 – Ed.: ItaigaraMemorial II – 7° andar.Itaigara – Salvador, Bahia.Tel.: 71 3350-6174
8 de janeiro de 2025Read More -
Eu apoio o Dezembro Laranja
O #DezembroLaranja é dedicado à luta contra o câncer de pele e nós apoiamos essa causaem parceria com a Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia. Segundo as estimativas do INCA, espera-se mais de 185 mil casos novos da doença acada ano. Isso significa que 1 em cada 4 novas ocorrências de câncer no Brasil, é um tumor
3 de dezembro de 2024Read More -
Imersão em Dermatoscopia
Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia – regional Bahia realizará no dia 28 de setembro o Curso de Imersão em Dermatoscopia. Evento destinado aos profissionais de Dermatologia. Não perca essa oportunidade de participar deste evento. A programação está excelente. Atualize seus conhecimentos na área de Dermatoscopia.Inscreva-se agora. As vagas são limitadas.Fiquem atentos às novidades em nosso Intagram
21 de agosto de 2024Read More -
ENDEREÇO: CLIDERME DERMATOLOGIA PARALELA – Edf. WallStreet – Av. Luís Viana Filho, 6462 – salas 316/317 – Paralela. CIDADE: Salvador – BA, CEP: 41730-101 Site: https://www.cliderme.com
20 de agosto de 2024Read More
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148 Commercity Isola Road, M1 R43 New York, USA
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